7 research outputs found

    Karakteritega suhestumine ja digikogukondlik praktika: “Halvale teele” multidistsiplinaarne uurimus

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    Kuidas suhestab vaataja end narratiivse karakteriga? Kirjandusteadus, folkloristika, narratoloogia, psühholoogia, ja meediauuringud laiemaltki on antud seoses rakendanud käsitlusi samastumisest, empatiseerimisest ja (väljamõeldud maailma) sukeldumisest. Kuna väljamõeldud inimesed, kas kirja- või pildisõnas, polevat rohkemat autori(te) ettekujutuse viljast, siis püüdvat vaataja/lugejagi neis kas ära tunda iseend või siis teisalduda jälgitavasse situatsiooni, end vaadeldava tegelaskujuga samastades. Kui karakteriga suhestumise analüüsis lähtuda aga igapäevasuhtlustasandist, näib olevat ebapiisav eelistada üksnes taaskujutavat ja sissepoole pööratud vaadet inimteadvusele, kuna ideedel inimesest kui „sotsiaalsest olevusest“ ja tähenduse „sotsiaalsest karakterist“ (Võgotskii) on oht jääda tahaplaanile ja „karakteriga suhestumine“ taandub omamoodi sisedialoogiks: vaataja mõistab teist inimest iseenda põhjal kohandatud mudeli kaudu. Ehkki teatud olukordades on see vajalik mõistmis- ja tähendustamisstrateegia, ei saa eirata, et suhestumine kui selline on ometi suunatud. Haaratud ollakse kellestki, „sukeldutakse“ maailma, mida keegi omas-maailmas-iseseisvalt-eksisteerivana asustab. Käesoleva doktoriväitekirja avapeatükk sünteesib väga mitmekesist teaduskirjandust ja töötab välja kohase teoreetilise mõisteraamistiku, mis käsitleb suhestumist teleseriaali tegelaskujudega argiteadvuslikust sotsiaalsest kogemusest lähtuvalt. Keskne on siin käsitlus pärisustamisest: kogukondliku arutelu kontekstis lihtsalt lähenetaksegi tegelaskujudele kui päris inimestele. Narratiivsest tegelaskujust saab persoon. Internetiarutelud opereerivad kolmandas isikus (mina/tema) ja narratiiv-ajalooliselt (väljamõeldud süžee kui narratiivse persooni elu lugu). Individuaalsed kommentaaritekstid on siinjuures mõistetavad kui narrtseptid, s.o. narratiivse teis(t)e-taju tähendusloomelised saadused. Narrtseptid toovad esile narratiivsetele persoonidele suunatud tõlgenduste kogukondlikult jagatud, mitmehäälset mõõdet. Väitekirja teine peatükk tutvustatab originaalmõistet majakas. Majakal on internetikommunikatsiooni analüüsis struktureeriv roll. “Heites valgust“ kommunikatsiooni erinevatele külgedele, majakas kas liigendab narrtseptiivseid looilmu (retseptiivne, „populaarne“ dimensioon) või komponeerib neid reaalajaliselt avalduvateks ’lahtiste otstega’ diskursuseilmadeks (analüütilis-metodoloogiline, „akadeemiline“ dimensioon). Siinkohal pakubki antud peatükk ühtlasi ka kriitilisi kohandusi juba käibelolevatele mõistetele võimalike maailmade ja narratiiviteooriast ning diskursuseanalüüsist, s.o., looilm, kavatsemis-ilm, tekstiloojate-ilm ja diskursuse-ilm. Doktoriväitekirja kolmas peatükk keskendub ameerika teleseriaali “Halvale teele“ (Breaking Bad) internetikommentaaride illustratiivsele lähianalüüsile. Eelkirjeldatud teoreetilisel mõisteaparatuuril on analüüsis keskne roll.How does the viewer engage herself with narrative characters? Literary theory, folkloristics, narratology, psychology, and media studies more widely have generally found guidance in the treatments of identification, empathy, and immersion. For if fictional people, be it by the written or audiovisual depiction, are nothing but the fruits of authors’ imagination, then the viewer or the reader similarly attempts to recognize herself in, immerse herself into the world of, and identify herself with the observed character. While analyzing character engagement from the perspective of everyday communication, however, the exclusively representational and inward approach to the human mind can prove an inadequate preference. For the respective ideas of human as a „social being“ and the „social character of meaning“ (Vygotsky) hazard to become backgrounded due to „character engagement“ becoming proportionate to a kind of inner dialogue: viewer makes sense of the other through the model she has adapted about herself. Although it can be, at times, a necessary strategy for comprehension and sense-making, one cannot disregard the engagement being—even toward “fictional” people—always directed. You are absorbed by someone, you become “immersed” in a world that is inhabitated by someone autonomously-existing-with-their-world. In synthesizing diverse literature, Chapter One of the present dissertation develops appropriate theoretical framework that approaches engagement with the characters of television serials from the stance of common sense social experience. Of focal significance here is the notion of realitization: in the context of communal discussion, characters just are approached as if real people. Accordingly, a narrative character becomes a person. For Internet discussions operate in third person (me/her) and historio-narratively (“fictive” plot as narrative person’s life story). Individual commentary texts become hereby considered as narrcepts; that is, they are the sense-making products of the narrative perception of the other (narrative+precept). Through narrcepts, the distributed and polyphonic dimension of the construals directed toward narrative persons becomes acknowledged. Chapter Two of the dissertation introduces a succeeding original notion: beacon. Beacon enacts a structuring role in the analysis of online communication. Beacon „throws light“ onto the different aspects of Internet discourse, decomposing narrceptive storyworlds (reciprocal, „popular“ dimension) and composing the latter into „open ended“ discourse worlds emerging in real time (analytical-methodological, „academical“ dimension). Consequently, critical adaptations of current terminology in possible worlds theory, narrative theory, and discourse analysis are presented; that is, storyworld, intend-world, text makers’ world and discourse world. Chapter three of the dissertation concentrates on the illustrative close analysis of the online commentaries with regard to the American television serial Breaking Bad. The previously established theoretical apparatus serves a central role in the analysis

    Notes on narrative, cognition, and cultural evolution

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    Drawing on non-Darwinian cultural-evolutionary approaches, the paper develops a broad, non-representational perspective on narrative, necessary to account for the narrative “ubiquity” hypothesis. It considers narrativity as a feature of intelligent behaviour and as a formative principle of symbolic representation (“narrative proclivity”). The narrative representation retains a relationship with the “primary” pre-symbolic narrativity of the basic orientational-interpretive (semiotic) behaviour affected by perceptually salient objects and “fits” in natural environments. The paper distinguishes between implicit narrativity (as the basic form of perceptual-cognitive mapping) of intelligent behaviour or non-narrative media, and the “narrative” as a symbolic representation. Human perceptual-attentional routines are enhanced by symbolic representations: due to its attention-monitoring and information-gathering function, narrative serves as a cognitive-exploratory tool facilitating cultural dynamics. The rise of new media and mass communication on the Web has thrown the ability of narrative to shape the public sphere through the ongoing process of negotiated sensemaking and interpretation in a particularly sharp relief

    Jutustaja - kas hääle andja või hääle kandja?

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    Vampiiri mõiste ja tähendusväljad

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    "No theory holds together:" suspicion, its plotters, and the patterns of imaginative reason in (re-)conceptualizing digital conspiracist discourse

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    Arguably, our (post)modern age engenders suspicion and (explanatory) uncertainty, prompting epistemic instability, eroding veracity conditions and causing rational skepticism and distrust. This throws into sharp relief the leading pathologizing or stigmatizing scholarly evaluation of the practice of conspiracy theorizing. Especially insofar as the proliferation and stratification of competing (and power-differentiated) stories and knowledge representations are concerned. In challenging the validity of such conventional wisdom, this multidisciplinary essay broadly follows the critical “particularist” philosophical perspective. I will highlight the doubly collaborative activity underscoring digital conspiracism: The Latin etymology of “to conspire” (“to breathe together”) and the storytelling dimension of “to plot” (“plotting a story”). Two notions will be introduced: contra-plotting and plotters of suspicion. Both elaborate on the ubiquitous role of narrative, for plotting necessitates an indefinitely expanding “middle” communally self-reproduced through “continual interpretation” – precluding the final acceptability of any resolution (sections 1-2). The third section offers an illustrative qualitative analysis of ‘natural’ discursive data. The sample of forum posts on the MS Estonia’s catastrophic shipwreck is taken from the bilingual (Estonian-English) conspiracy forum Para-Web and broader (motif- and theme-oriented) plotting tendencies are identified. The essay concludes with some summarizing thoughts and suggestions for further research (section 4)

    (Re-)Negotiating Ambiguity’s (Added) Value(lessness)

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    What would an issue on ambiguity be without countering the affirmative calls for a concept that established itself as an aesthetic paradigm and thus as a norm in art discourse as early as around 1800? To answer this, this multi-voiced _Perspective is dedicated not only to the potentials (added value) but also to the limits (valuelessness) of ambiguity as an analytical tool. David J. Getsy, who works at the intersection of art history, queer studies, and transgender studies, initially delivered his* reservations about ambiguity at the Symposium Ambiguity Forum, held at the Renaissance Society, University of Chicago, on 14 January 2017. In the sense of a deconstructive (re-)reading practice, 12 contributors from various disciplinary backgrounds accepted the invitation to respond to Getsy’s critique of the concept of ambiguity with a short comment. In the current _Perspective, Getsy has the last word by responding to the forum with a closing comment at the end. What emerges through this experimental-discursive format is, on the one hand, a structurally ambiguous discussion room in which the reader is invited to search for possible contradictions and ambiguous relations of tension between the individual comments and to evaluate them as a contribution to the issues topic. On the other hand, this contribution is above all an invitation to add more views to this open discussion, for example by writing a _Perspective in reaction to one of the comments

    Observation of the rare Bs0oμ+μB^0_so\mu^+\mu^- decay from the combined analysis of CMS and LHCb data

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